FriddyP (Friddy) Coin Circulation
FriddyP Coin is issued for the LP as the profit coin for the executed transaction for the the merchant. write the model and calculate of it
To calculate the FriddyP Coin Circulation, we need to know the total profit made by all LPs on all transactions for the merchant. This can be calculated as follows:
$Total \ FriddyP \ Circulation = \sum_{i=1}^{L} (DP_i \cdot 0.01 \cdot \frac{MT_i}{AT})*2$
$LL$ is the number of LPs
$DPi$ is the deposit amount of the iβthLP
$MTi$is the total transactions processed by the iβthLP
$AT$ is the average transaction of the merchant
Assuming the same values as before, with 497 LPs, an average deposit of 3000 USD per LP, and an average transaction of 170 USD, we get the total FriddyP Coin Circulation would be
$Total \ FriddyP \ Circulation = \sum_{i=1}^{497} (3000 \cdot 0.01 \cdot \frac{3000}{170})$
Approximately 529,411.76USD5
Since FriddyP Coins are issued to LPs as their profit coin, this amount represents the value of all FriddyP Coins in circulation at a given moment in time. Please note this is the same number that comes from multiplying the total merchant volume by the compounded profit of each LP for depositing the same $3000 each day for 30 days.
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