🎯Market & Opportunity

Our process is technology-driven, simple and intuitive.

The market to be tapped is enormous and set to grow at a 40% CAGR.

And it is the biggest underserved segment in the payment market globally.

SOM: targeted merchants in the web3, high-risk, SAS payment processors and online service providers that need immediate access to certain emerging markets.

The global e-commerce market is estimated at $27.15 trillion, yet settling cross-border transactions remains expensive, slow, and inaccessible to people in certain regions.

From the inability to purchase certain goods, to high remittance fees, to battling hyperinflation, emerging markets need a safe, affordable, accessible, and reliable way to exchange money.

Examples of market opportunities include:

  • Colombia: Opportunity for low-fee remittances, as many people are abroad sending money home.

  • Argentina: A safe haven from hyperinflation.

  • Morocco: Closed ecosystem with certain products inaccessible.

  • Egypt: Credit cards are no longer issued.

  • India: Card payment is only in Rupee.

  • Venezuela: No access to apps like Netflix or Spotify.

Last updated